BC:Gumma Paz Gakuen College. OH:Bulletin of Gumma Paz Gakuen College
Shelf Code
0101 図書館1F閲覧室
Jpn. or Foreign | 和雑誌 |
Title | 群馬パース学園短期大学紀要 |
Sub Title | BC:Gumma Paz Gakuen College. OH:Bulletin of Gumma Paz Gakuen College |
Responsibility | 群馬パース学園短期大学 [編] |
Publisher | 群馬パース学園短期大学 |
Series | 4(2),5-6,7(1) |
Seriese Read. | 2002-2005 |
Frequency | 14 |
ISSN | 1347-7269 |
Continuation | * |
Location Code | 0101 本校図書館 |
Shelf Code | 0101 図書館1F閲覧室 |
URL Address | http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AA11777886_ja.html |