Cellular and molecular life sciences
CMLS. VT:CMLS. RT:CMLS, Cell. mol. life. sci.. VT:CMLS formerly experientia
Shelf Code
0111 図書館2F書庫
Jpn. or Foreign | 洋雑誌 |
Title | Cellular and molecular life sciences |
Sub Title | CMLS. VT:CMLS. RT:CMLS, Cell. mol. life. sci.. VT:CMLS formerly experientia |
Responsibility | Birkhauser |
Publisher | Birkhäuser |
Series | 53-61 |
Seriese Read. | 1997-2004 |
Frequency | 9 |
ISSN | 1420-682X |
Continuation | / |
Location Code | 0101 本校図書館 |
Shelf Code | 0111 図書館2F書庫 |
URL Address | http://search.proquest.com/publication/54068/citation/1348D982A0429FAB99A/1?accountid=45634 |